高中英语必修二 U2知识点精讲(2)

2024-07-27 11:29 来源: 文化之窗 本文影响了:152人


In response to public interest,our aerobics class has been replaced with several fun options,including modern dance.

replace vt.取代,代替;更换;用……替换

(1)replace A with/by B 以B代替/替换A

replace...=take the place of...代替……

(2)replacement n.替代品;接替者;替换


①The door was broken,so we replaced it ________ a new one.

②John is ill and I want to know who is going to replace him.

→John is ill and I want to know who will ________________________.


When my friend first suggested that we join the new Tai Chi Club at school,I hesitated.

hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑;踌躇

(1)hesitate about/over/at...对……犹豫不决

hesitate to do sth.做某事有顾虑

(2)hesitation n.犹豫

without hesitation毫不犹豫地

have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫地做某事


①Faced with the choice of majors,Tom chose science without ________ (hesitate) while Jack hesitated ________it.


→The young man didn’t ________ adapt this novel.(hesitate)

→The young man ________ adapt this novel.(hesitation)

→The young man began to adapt this novel ________________.(hesitation)


I had to admit that I had been wrong about tai chi.

admit v.承认;招认;准许进入,准许加入;可容纳

(1)admit doing sth./having done sth.承认做过某事

admit that...承认……

admit sb./ sth.to be/as+adj./n.承认某人/某物(事)为……

admit sb.to/into...允许某人进入……;接受某人(为……成员)

(2)admission n.承认;录取;入场费


①Only the athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their events will ________(admit) as competitors.

②Congratulations to you on your being admitted ________your dream university.


→He admitted ________ without a driving license.

→He admitted________ without a driving license.

→He admitted that ________without a driving license.


With these requirements of tai chi in mind,I found to my satisfaction that my balance and flexibility slowly improved...

satisfaction n.[U]满意;满足 [C]令人满意的事(物)

(1)to sb.’s satisfaction=to the satisfaction of sb.令某人满意的是

with satisfaction满意地

(2)satisfy v.满足;使满意

(3)satisfied adj.满意的(修饰人)

be/feel satisfied with...对……感到满意

(4)satisfying adj.令人满意的(指事物的特点)


①She looked back on her a range of achievements with great ________(satisfy).

②The one whose answer ________(satisfy) me will be admitted into our club.

③Although I have finished a part of my speech,I am not ________(satisfy) with it.

④The boy’s parents were glad to see his ________(satisfy) result of the final exam.


Neither can exist independent of the other;for example,there is no shadow without light.

exist vi.存在;生活,生存

(1)exist on靠……生活/生存

exist in存在于……之中

There exist(s)/existed...某地有……;存在……

(2)existence n.存在;生存

come into existence产生,成立;开始存在


①You can’t imagine what difficulty they have ________(exist) on the money he is earning.

②There ________(exist) a good way to solve the problem about environmental protection.

③I don’t know ________________.


④________________ among the committee members.



Zhang Sanfeng,a 13th-century Taoist,was said to have invented tai chi after drawing inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird.

sb./sth. be said to do sth.

(1)句中was said to have invented 为句型:sb./sth.be said to do sth.,意为“据说”。

sb.be said to have done sth.=it is/was said that sb.have/has/had done sth.


①sb./sth.be believed/reported/thought to do=it is/was believed/reported/thought that sb./sth.do/did...


②sb./sth.be+thought(reported)have done sth.(做了某事)(be doing(正在做某事))


①The book is known to________ (translate) into ten languages.

②A health care project is reported ________(provide) treatment at half cost.

③He is said to have moved to Chicago.

→ ________________.

④Tom was said to have been recommended to the sports committee.



Just as importantly,practising tai chi has inspired me to explore the Chinese culture behind it.

inspire vt.激励,鼓舞;启发思考;使产生(感觉或情感)

(1)inspire sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

(2)inspiring adj.令人鼓舞的,鼓舞人心的

inspired adj.受到鼓舞的

inspiration n.灵感;鼓舞

①The aim of the activity is to ________________.


②Hearing the ________news,my children were very ________.(inspire)


③I really wonder where his ________________(inspire) came from.



No wonder some tai chi moves are named after animals...

no wonder...

(1)no wonder (that)...难怪……,是It is no wonder (that)...的省略说法。

(2)It is a wonder (that)...奇怪的是……;……真是个奇迹。

①He hasn’t slept at all for three days. ________________he is tired out.


②________________ is a wonder that he came to the company so early this morning.

